International GNSS experiments
The GNSS-SPAN Group at Curtin University is collaborating in the following GNSS experiments:

IGS Multi GNSS Experiment (IGS-MGEX)
The IGS Multi GNSS Experiment (IGS M-GEX) is an international effort aimed at improving the operations related to the upcoming global navigations systems.

Multi GNSS Monitoring Network (MGM-Net)
The Multi-GNSS Monitoring Network (MGM-Net) is the Multi-GNSS Monitoring Network that Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is deploying globally for.

Asia Pacific Reference Frame
Asia Pacific Reference Frame (APREF) was materialised to create and maintain an accurate geodetic framework in the Asia-Pacific region in order to fulfil the requirements of a vast subset of users in surveying, industry, research organisation and general public.