Kick-off Meeting CRC-SI2 Project 1.01
On 25 Aug 2011, the GNSS Research Centre organized its kick-off meeting of CRC-SI2’s project New Carrier-Phase Processing Strategies for Next Generation GNSS Positioning. The meeting was held in the Curtin Council Chambers and consisted of presentations and discussions on the various research themes of the project. After a project overview was given, the following four presentations were delivered:
- I. Optimal IAR for GNSS Carrier Phase data
- 1.1 GNSS integer ambiguity estimation
- 1.2 GNSS mixed-integer model validation
- II. New Models for GNSS Carrier Phase Processing
- 2.1 Atmospheric model strengthening to improve IAR
- 2.2 Network/platform modelling for PPP IAR
The meeting was attended by researchers from academia, industry and governmental agencies.
Presentation of Project Overview-Content-Partners-Researchers -
Project 1.01 partners from Academia, Industry and Governmental Agencies -
Jinling Wang (UNSW), Chris Earls (AAM), Phil Collier (CRC-SI2) and Yanming Feng (QUT) studying the program -
Discussions at the coffee break -
Bofeng Li on Integer Estimation -
Dennis Odijk on Atmospheric bottlenecks -
Peter Teunissen on S-transformations -
The final group session